That was the hardest, deepest 12 hours of sleep I have had in a long time! After a good night of rest, I am better able to appreciate my new, exciting, and exotic surroundings. This morning we left the shelter of the MCC compound and took a group trip across the street and over the bride spanning the railroad tracks into the Tambaram marketplace. I was struck by the overwhelming volume of people flowing in and out of the market. Everyone walks on the left side of the staircases - just the opposite of how it's usually done in the States. I was shocked by the people experiencing foot abnormalities - some people were missing toes due to leprosy, while others had more than 5 to a foot. On a brighter note, we stopped at Suresh's middle school. He was beaming with happiness. It has been interesting to watch the native in him come out since our arrival. He has started using the signature, non-committal head bobble used by many Indians. After experiencing the unforgettable sights and smell of the textile, produce, and fish markets, we stopped at a coconut vendor just outside of MCC. Suresh bought us several coconuts at 25 rupees ($0.50) a piece. Ryan, Eric, and Stephen put the team on their backs and chugged most of the delicious coconut milk. It's finally starting to sink in that I am in India. The natives have been mostly friendly and I feel like I will eventually be able to fit in with the culture.
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